Student Accounting & Cashier

Dr. Marites D. Manlongat

VP for Administration and Finance

Ms. Jeibeth A. Velano

Administrative Supervisor

Ms. May Angela L. Garijo

Human Resource and Payroll Officer

Ms. Dyan Ivy T. Casao

Corporate Office

Mr. Andreu D. De Chavez

College Cashier

Student Accounting & Cashiers Department consists of the Cashier Office and the Student Accounting Office. The Cashier Office accepts and processes payments from students for tuition, fees and miscellaneous items and handles installment plans and emergency loans. The Student Accounting Office handles student billing, processing of student refunds, processing and collection of returned third party arrangements of student accounts, posting of exemptions, waivers, and collection of delinquent student accounts.

Check Payments

The following policy relates to check payments:

  1. The check must be dated on the day the payment is made
  2. It must be payable to Westmead International School
  3. The student making a check payment must fill-up the prescribed form of the Cashier and Accounting Office and submit it to the person-in-charge in window 3 or 4
  4. The amount appearing on the check-in words must coincide with the amount in figures
  5. The check must be shown to the person-in-charge in windows 3 or 4 before presenting it to window 1

Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday

8:00 AM – 12:00 NN

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Mailing Address:

Westmead International School

Cashier and Accounting Office
Student Information Phone Line: (043)702-6801
HR Email: